
Local Florist

We've put together a list of florists for friends and family who may be unfamiliar with the area. Feel free to explore all that our community has to offer below.




For the Patton Funeral Home location in Huntsville the Local Florist are:


Knot As It Seems
500 US-24, Moberly, MO 65270
(660) 372-5017

Bratchers Market
301 S Morley St, Moberly, MO 65270
(660) 263-7790

Deatrick's Custom Floral Design
413 W Reed St, Moberly, MO 65270
(660) 833-9191


For our Summerville Funeral Home Location in Salisbury:


The Garden Gallery
305 N Weber Ave, Salisbury, MO 65281
(660) 388-5292

Patton Funeral Home
Phone: (660) 277-3218
121 N. Main, Huntsville, MO 65259

Summerville Funeral Home
Phone: (660) 388-5800
601 E. Highway 24, Salisbury, MO 65281

Part of the GEH Family of Funeral Homes

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